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Insurance – what you need and what you don’t

Insuring and protecting those you love

Insurance is a crucial part of financial planning. This should be taken seriously. Having the right insurance could get you out of a hole at a time of desperation. But which insurance is non-essential, and which should you buy if you don’t already have cover? If you are single and have no dependents You may be […]

Insurance: the most important investment

When the subject of protection or insurance comes up (also known as life assurance or critical illness cover as examples) most people tend to avoid thinking about it because, frankly, it’s quite scary. What will happen to my family if I was to die? Would they have enough? What would happen to the mortgage? All […]

Insurance can really be a joy when you need it!

Single Mum Wendy’s symptoms started when she slowly started losing interest in eating at the beginning of 2014. “I got on with life as usual but it was only when my sister asked me how I had lost so much weight that I realised with a start that I had dropped two stone in the […]