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How to increase your net worth

increasing net worth

How to increase your net worth – a short guide Whilst gross domestic product, unemployment numbers, and inflation are key indicators of the state of a nation’s economy, your net worth is the key yardstick of your overall financial health. So, do you know what your net worth is? And how can you increase it? […]

How to avoid the 5 most common investor mistakes

Avoiding investment mistakes

Avoiding the 5 most common investor mistakes Whilst making mistakes is natural, making them in investing can be painful and expensive. Poor judgement could hurt your investment journey and potential returns. Thankfully, we can learn from the past mistakes made by others. Here are five common investor mistakes you should watch out for. What are […]

5 tips to help you start your own business

“Furlough” is a word I had never come across until the Corona Virus crisis. Being on your company’s payroll, but – until the rules change on 1 July, not actually working for them must be very strange. In many cases, being furloughed could lead to an even worse state of affairs – a permanent reduction […]

The secret of being an effective saver

The secret of being an effective saver You might think I’ll say that the best way to be an effective saver is by not spending. Not necessarily. We all have to live and life can be expensive. But saving on a regular basis is the best way to build up a solid chunk of money. […]