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Using trusts to reduce or avoid inheritance tax

Introduction: Using trusts to reduce or avoid inheritance tax When we talk about inheritance tax (IHT), trusts can be really helpful in reducing taxes and keeping wealth safe. This article will explore what trusts are, how they can help with inheritance tax, and why experts called financial advisers are important in managing these special money […]

Can equity release be used to reduce inheritance tax?

Can equity release be used to reduce inheritance tax? No one likes paying tax, but inheritance tax is probably the most unpopular tax of all. This is because inheritance tax is perceived as being a tax on the dead rather than the living. It is also a tax on giving rather than receiving. To rub […]

Inheritance tax solutions

Adam Walkom Independent Financial Adviser, IFA Richmond

Dear Adam, I am writing to you with regards to my Mother and the potential inheritance tax bill I believe we may end up with. My Mother is 87 years old, in good health but getting on a bit and we are considering a care home. She owns her 2 bed flat in Richmond worth […]

Think inheritance tax is only for the wealthy? Think again

Is inheritance tax only for the wealthy? When inheritance tax, formerly known as death duty, was originally introduced, it was intended to tax only the very wealthy. However, with the rise of house prices more and more ordinary people are finding themselves caught in the net. In fact, many ordinary people for whom the net […]